Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Exploits web browser using beef and metasploit

1. Open beef from backtack, then in the brower, the interface of beef should be like this
    then after login with user& password (both: beef), the interface will be like this
the beef control panel will detect our IP after in browser of windows target we copy the beef web address ( use Host IP ).

2. open msfconsole
   then i will start by using the aurora metasploit module and then set my payload.like below:

   now the payload is ready, from the pic above we know if the url http://0.0.0:80/, we should change it with our Local ID (, and became http://192.168.56:80/, then we go to beef control panel and put it as site redirect, and then "execute".

3. So right now if we open internet explorer in windows target then open/browse http://192.168.56:80/
    our payload will be automatically execute(see the console)when we browse it

then the result is

Congratulations......i think our payload is working.    

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